Three major air masses converge in Sub Region: wet coastal air from the west, cold plateau air from the north, and dry interior air from the east. Annual precipitation varies from 2,000 mm in the west to 300mm in the east. Much of the area is semi-arid, in the Coast Mountains’ rain shadow. As a result of the climatic diversity, there is an abundance of wildlife in the area, with a great number of species.

Vegetation changes from lower elevation grasslands through climax forests of pine, spruce and fir to alpine wildflowers and tundra. Six biogeoclimatic zones and 46 variants have been mapped; three times the average for interior areas of comparable size.

Of the pool of priority species that have suitable habitat in the Plan area, the species included in this section were chosen according to the following five guidelines:

  1. Is the species at risk or threatened?
  2. Is the species an invasive species?
    • Is this an introduced species that is causing significant damage to the population numbers of indigenous species that are important to ecological balance within the Sub Region?
  3. Is the species of historical or cultural significance?
  4. Is the species of economic importance?
    • Does the presence of this species contribute significantly to the economy of the Sub Region?
  5. Is the species of ecological importance?
    • Is there significant dependence upon this species by other species or for the maintenance of ecological balance?

More species will be added to the plan as it evolves. For each species in the plan, general issues will be addressed first, followed by issues specific to each species’ population.

Selected SpeciesCriteria
Whitebark PineAt risk/threatened / Ecological importance
Cow ParsnipHistorical/cultural importance
Wild PotatoesHistorical/cultural importance
Wild OnionsHistorical/cultural importance
Balsam RootHistorical/cultural importance